
Mehedi Hasan

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Puja Jain

Manager- Legal




CS Puja Jain is an Associate member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India possessing rich experience in different facets of legislative, regulatory and corporate governance in the field of Corporate Law, Securities Law and other allied laws. She is an astute professional undergone extensive training at Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd enhancing her expertise in statutory and regulatory compliances. She is well versed with all the allied laws applicable to the listed company with respect to DPE guidelines, SEBI compliances and handling compliances of National Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange, Calcutta Stock Exchange and other regulatory compliances.

Puja has a flair for drafting and is par excellence in preparation of wide variety of documentations for different assignments undergoing Insolvency and Liquidation proceedings under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

Having an analytical mindset with sound skill in drafting, the validation of documents along with great interpersonal skills, Puja has endeavoured as a Professional Consultant and Advisor in the

preparation and vetting of Resolution Plan for various Prospective Resolution Applicants. She has been our core member in handling many huge debt-sized assignments undergoing Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process as envisaged under the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016.